The first time I saw Five Finger shoes was on a freind at the lake and I wanted a pair ever since.

I recently started running and started doing some research on minimalist footwear, when I came across these bad boys. After finding a local dealer and trying a pair on, I decided to pull the trigger on them and haven't looked back since.

As anyone will tell you, "barefoot" running is pretty much a different mindset. You've almost got to retrain yourself to get accustomed to the forefoot strike gait vs the heelstrike. You'll want to start slow and break yourself in easy. You'll notice a new soreness in your calves and in the balls of your feet... But it's a good soreness. Soon after you'll notice beautiful leg muscles start to emerge as well as improved posture, and if you're prone to back pain, you may notice a nice little bonus in that department (we did).

I started easy, on a tread-mill, but was soon itching to road test these things, and let me tell you... I have to conciously tell myself to "slow down" to keep from passing out. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means a running enthusiust, as a matter of fact, I loath running, but these things will bring an added enjoyment to the activity. I am a former US Marine, so I've done my share of running in my day and I hated it even then.

A week after buying my KomodoSports, we returned to buy my fiancee' a pair of VFF Bikila LS', which by the way look amazing, and she loves them as much as I love mine. I think my next pair of shoes may be the Bikilas as I'm quite fond of hers.

They're a little bit weird to put on at first since you've got to ensure that your toes are lined up, but after doing it a few times and breaking the shoe in and them molding to your feet, it becomes almost as easy as slipping on any sneaker.

So in closing, do your research to see if they might be right for you. I'd recommend these for anyone trying to get in to minimalist footwear or bearfoot running for the first time. If you loved run around barefoot as a kid, which I did, these will take you back to those carefree days! I've owned every pair and type of shoe in any price range you can imagine and these are hands down my new favorite.

5/25/2012 01:24:36 pm

These shoes are amazing! Ive always had joint issues from running in traditional shoes. Since I started using these I've had no pain issues at all. I would recommend these to anyone who wants to upgrade their running experience.

8/1/2012 01:15:33 pm

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